
Millions Impacted by Extreme Weather Conditions in 2018

Natalie Sauer

Extreme weather impacted almost 62 million people in 2018, according to the World Meteorological Organization (WMO), while the fallout from Cyclone Idai in Mozambique, Zimbabwe and Malawi continues. At one degree of warming above pre-industrial levels, freak floods, heatwaves, and prolonged cold snaps have devastated lives across the globe, the WMO’s State of the Climate report revealed.

New Grassroots Movement Challenges Guatemala’s Old Guard

Jonah Harris

A political party led by young people and indigenous Mayans wants to bring to Guatemala something that it has never seen: American-style democracy. Nearly two decades after the end of its bloody civil war, the country and its politics remain dominated by a white oligarchy and most political parties are built only to propel those leaders to high office. But a new party -- comprised largely of young adults and indigenous Mayans -- aims to change that. 

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