
The Tragedy of Joel Coen’s ‘Macbeth’? It Wasn’t Necessary

Forrest Hartman

The Tragedy of Macbeth, as presented by Coen and company, is a worthy piece of art, but it’s a piece of art we have largely seen before. The cast – although star-studded – is relatively small, which – again – makes the movie feel like a play (minus the live energy). Bottom line: Those who have seen good stage adaptations have seen superior work, and those who have never seen the play should prioritize a theatrical experience over watching this film.

The Dangers of Political Correctness in American Education

Hal Gordon

As examples of classroom reading that should be red flagged, the article cited such classic works of literature as Huckleberry Finn (racism), the Merchant of Venice (anti-Semitism) and The Great Gatsby (“a variety of scenes that reference gory, abusive and misogynistic violence.”) A draft guide circulated at Oberlin College in Ohio further suggests flagging anything that smacks of “classism, sexism, heterosexism, cissexism [bias against the transgendered], ableism [bias against the handicapped], and other issues of privilege and oppression.” Anything else?

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